Business Center

Thank you for visiting Kingdompreneur Business Center website.
KBC is a progressive marketplace institute with a passion to raise up Soakingpreneurs" and "Kingdompreneurs." KBC mandate is to help female entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers and business owners who
lack the confidence, strategies and guidance to properly brand
themselves and build successful 6 & 7 figure businesses.

Dr. Shirley Clark has an extensive background in coaching individuals and leaders in an array of subject matters to enhance their lives, support their businesses, strengthen their churches or ministries, bring clarity to given situations, and assist in establishing their non-profit organizations and business incubation centers.

Speaking & Coaching Business

Reinvent Yourself
Discover the Rewards of Being a Certified Professional
Advance Your Education, Kick Start Your Career
There is no better time to reinvent yourself and to kick start your life in a new direction then right now. Your now is always the starting point. What you do today determines your tomorrow.
Internationally Diverse Student Community
Our virtual campus and tele-courses make it easy for international students to participate in any of our certification programs.
Creating the World You Want
KBC is designed to help the freelancer and entrepreneur to create the world they want. Becoming a certified professional can mean the different in you making $30,000 or $80,000.
You Are Never Alone
Participating in any of our programs will immediately connect you with a community of leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, freelancers that will be available for you to ask questions and get assistance when needed. Our goal is to build a tribe with our students.
World Class MasterMind Faculty
Our certification programs are written, taught and oversaw by world class mastermind business leaders and entrepreneurs.
Become Certified in 30 to 90 Days
You don't have to wait years to become a certified professional. Usually in 90 days or less, you can become a certified professional in the areas of certifications we are offering.
Life Coach Certification

One day 8 hour session and a 2 hours designing coaching packages training. This training usually takes place 7 to 10 days after successfully completing the course certification Program.
Other benefits:
Online Facebook support community
Opportunity to join our Coaching Hub whereby you will be listed on our online platform of preferred coaches
You will be featured in our "Wealthy Coach" Magazine
Quarterly we will host a live event (virtual or onsite) whereby randomly we will select some of our coaches to speak at.
This ONLINE program is offered every month on either the first or second Saturday.
Secure your spot today by paying the down
payment of $1250.
HURRY...Limited spaces
LIFE COACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAMI. The History of the Coaching Business II. Types and Categories of Coaches III. Why People Hire A Coach IV. The Difference Between Coaching, Mentoring, Counseling and Consulting V. Characteristics and Protocols of A Coach VI. Models Of Coaching VII. Methods Of Coaching VIII. The Business Aspects of Coaching
BUSINESS COACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAMMODULE ONE: Business Coaching Overview In this module we will introduce you to the Business Coaching Industry. We will share how the industry works and why it is important that individuals who are considering becoming a Business Coach develop great leadership. This industry requires order, managerial skills and results. MODULE TWO: Primary Requests For Business Coaching In this module we will be examining the four major areas business owners and entrepreneurs will need assistance with. The goal in this segment is that everyone finds their niche. MODULE THREE: Setting Up Your Business For Success It is time to set up your business, so you can do business. In this module the focus is "doing" business the right way from the start. When businesses are set up correctly this will minimize surprises and challenges that often occur when going into business. MODULE FOUR: Branding & Marketing Your Business Branding your product, yourself & business for maximum exposure is a must for business owners and entrepreneurs. In this module we will discuss this aspect to generate brainstorming ideas regarding what brand each coach would like to be marketed under. What do you want to be known for? MODULE FIVE: The Coaching Process As we close out this course, we want to make sure everyone's bottom line will change. So, in this module, we address how to attract your first and idea client. What are the best practices? Developing your services packages...what is your onboarding process?
SPEAKER'S CERTIFICATION PROGRAMDAY ONE : The 7 "P's" of the Speaking Industry As you desire to become a professional speaker, there are some basic things you need to know to get it right the first time. During this introductory day, we will share the 7 "P" to starting a speaking business. We will also outline and address the need to craft a signature story, along with sharing how important it is for you to clarify and identify your story. And once it is identified, how do you tell it and sell it. So, we will look at some storytelling techniques, then, how to be successful in sharing it on different platforms. DAY TWO: Book Yourself Solid This day we will look at what every speaker will need to have when event planners are looking for speakers, and why it is imperative that we have these components in place. We will also look at speaking opportunities and how you can get booked on various platforms; how to make sure your calendar is book every month. We will address the barriers and mistakes one often make in securing speaking gigs, and how to overcome them. Great work-out day for speakers! DAY THREE: It' All In The Image Building the right image can be everything in this business. So, this day, we will address the branding aspect of a speaker and how it is important that there is a clear message and method to your speaking business and visibility. As well, as you prepare for a speaking opportunity, you have the right tools, resources and payment solutions in place to support your service or coaching offers. Everything must mirror your brand here. It's about brand awareness.
SCHOOL OF SOAKINGPRENUERSModule One: Preparing Your Heart to Pray We will do a deep dive into the teaching and foundation of prayer and intercession in the church as we study scriptures. We will examine the Life of Jesus and how His prayer life determined his lifestyle. In addition, in this module, we will address how God instructs us in how to pray and how to become an effective intercessor, one that have an ear that can hear Him, even in a noisy room. Module Two: Watching & Warring Much of Jesus' life on earth was meet with warfare. Therefore, we will visit scriptures concerning this aspect of Jesus' life and learn how He withstood and overcame warfare. This module will also help Christians develop a warrior and watchman mentality. You will learn as well, the secret sauce to birthing prayers and how manifestations will always follow travail. Extensive teaching on gates, walls and the watch of the Lord will be taught. Module Three: Worshipping Intercessors This module is an immersion of inner court and Holy of Holies tabernacle calling and experience. It is a teaching that prepares you to develop a "praying spirit." It is you praying from your inner parts; praying out of your "spiritual womb." The prophetic intercessor inside of you seeks to "soak" in His presence. You will be taught how to inquire in His temple correctly and how to address the King at the level of a seasoned intercessor.
I Can't Wait To Be Your Coach!!!